
Monday, June 6

I Wonder....

I sit and wonder sometimes when I see photos of myself many years ago........."how did I end up here?"  To think that small simple words like "yes" and "no" can change the course of your future...........YOUR LIFE.  With all the heart ache that I have experienced in my short life I have to wonder what it would be like had I done things differently.  And I say short life because at 27 years old I do not think that I am that old.  :-)

I have tried so many things in my life and I have failled so many things in my life.  I have hurt, cried, laughed, stressed and smiled.  I have broken hearts and have had my heart broken.  I have used and abused but I have experienced true unconditional love.  I have bought four gorgeous children into this world and I have farewelled friends.  I would not change my life for anything but it doesn't stop me wondering. 

My biggest regret is that I did not go to University sooner than now.  It seems that my family and I have been struggling for so long and it would be good if I could provide my kids with things that they see all their friends with.  It would be good if I could afford to buy the kids school shirts rather than $2 ones from BigW that I continually get letters home for because they do not have the school logo.  I know all my work and my hubbies work will pay off in the end and for the time being I will continue to appreciate the things that I do have................MY FAMILY.

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