I sit and wonder sometimes when I see photos of myself many years ago........."how did I end up here?" To think that small simple words like "yes" and "no" can change the course of your future...........YOUR LIFE. With all the heart ache that I have experienced in my short life I have to wonder what it would be like had I done things differently. And I say short life because at 27 years old I do not think that I am that old. :-)
I have tried so many things in my life and I have failled so many things in my life. I have hurt, cried, laughed, stressed and smiled. I have broken hearts and have had my heart broken. I have used and abused but I have experienced true unconditional love. I have bought four gorgeous children into this world and I have farewelled friends. I would not change my life for anything but it doesn't stop me wondering.
My biggest regret is that I did not go to University sooner than now. It seems that my family and I have been struggling for so long and it would be good if I could provide my kids with things that they see all their friends with. It would be good if I could afford to buy the kids school shirts rather than $2 ones from BigW that I continually get letters home for because they do not have the school logo. I know all my work and my hubbies work will pay off in the end and for the time being I will continue to appreciate the things that I do have................MY FAMILY.
A blog about the everyday life of a mother of four children and wife to a gorgeous husband.
Monday, June 6
Sunday, June 5
Some Of My Story
I have finally gotten to the point in my life where I am comfortable sharing the stories of things that I have gone through in my life.
After I got divorced I dated a man that I had known for many years. He had been the best friend of my first boyfriend and had always been nice to me. He (I will call him John) was always there to protect me when my boyfriend abused me. I broke up with my boyfriend and John and I remained friends for years with regular contact on the phone and internet.
I was with him for three months. And this is the story:
I travelled to my home town for a weeks holiday with friends. John lived there and on the first night I went to the nightclub with him. I had paid for a hotel room for the week and had planned on staying there myself. However, John had other plans and that night he threatened to have me bashed by his female friends. He did not leave me alone from that moment on. When the week was up John insisted that I stay with him which meant that I was in his parents house as he still lived at home. It also meant that I missed out on christmas with my family.
Christmas day I got up from a chair outside (next to John) and walked to go to the toilet. Before I knew it John was standing in front of me where he punched me in my chest with both fists. I fell to the ground winded. Apparently I deserved this because I had "apparently' been trying to hit on his brother-in-law who happened to have walked into the house five minutes before me.
Many other disturbing behaviour happened during those two weeks that included him spitting in my face, throwing all of the contents of my suitcase over a vacant block and much more.
Eventually I somehow managed to catch a bus back to a town seven hours away which was where my best friend lived and where I had planned on flying back home. However, John showed up at the front of her house with his brother. He called me to the car where he wanted to talk. I was stupid enought to fall for it and that is when he snatched the necklace I had been wearing (it was given to me by a very close deceased friend) and then punched me in the face.
After this I checked myself into a hotel for the night where I told the owners not to under any circumstance let anyone know what room I was in. At about 5pm I got a knock on the door. It was John. My heart pounded and the room spun. For some reason I knew what was coming and in preperation I took of my rings and bracelet and placed them on the counter. I did not realise I had done this but I only assume I did it so that they did not get caught on anything. As soon as I did that John punched me in the face hard enough to send me to the floor. I got up and John punched me with both fists in the chest and again fell to the floor. I got up again and John punched me in the head about six times. I do not know if I had remained standing during this time, however, I was standing at the end of it. He then sat on the edge of the bed and told me to sit next to him, where he went through my mobile phone. He questioned me about some text messages and then swung around and wrapped his hands around my throat. He sat on top of me and strangled me. The room blurred and I tried to scream. "Shut up or I will kill you" John said. I choked out that I was going to vomit and he let me go. He stayed sitting on top of me and punched me another six time in the face.
I did not know what I looked like but I said to him and repeated it that I needed a doctor and somehow I managed to stop him hitting me. He said he was going to have a shower and he kept the door open so that I could not get out. Thinking now I should have just ran as he would have had to run out naked but then again I don't remember if he had locked the door and had the key.
While John was in the shower I hid my mobile phone in a secret compartment in my suitcase because I knew that if he destroyed it I would not be able to contact anyone. When he asked me about it I said to him that I must have dropped it outside. (During the beating I had been able to manage to get out of the room for a couple of minutes before he dragged me back inside).
He stayed the night and slept beside me. He made me touch him and cuddle him and I felt sick the whole time. The next morning by a miracle he allowed me to catch the shuttle bus to the airport. He took all of my atm cards and money but he let me go through that security gate and onto the plane. At the stop-off I went to the ladies toilets and saw my face for the first time.
I had been wearing sun glasses all day because it was the only way I could see as my forehead and eyes were so swollen they were forced shut and the sunglassed kept the skin high enough for me to see. My whole face was extremely swollen and black. My whole cheeks were black and my neck was also bruised. I got a lot of stares. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I sat in that airport for seven hours with people staring and pointing before I caught the last plane home to safety .............. or so I thought.
I arrived at home, hugged my three boys, showered and fell asleep. Just over 48 hours later I was woken to approximately 300 missed phone calls and numerous text messages from John. But worse of all I had to explain to my children why my face was "sore". My eldest said that it looked like someone had "smashed mummies face with a rock". It broke my heart. I had only ever intended at spending one week with friends before returning home to spend christmas with my boys (and ex-husband) but instead I got something that would change my life forever.
I married my ex-husband at 20yrs old and had three sons with him. We seperated after four years married because we both agreed that our feelings had changed. That we had "grown up" and were better as friends. So we continued living in the same house for the sake of the kids and because of the convenience with work (we both worked in the mines) as someone was always home with the boys (aged 4yrs to 1yr). However, my ex-husband moved into town (I lived half an hour outside of town) to be closer to work and we shared custody of the boys.
I had a check-up at the doctors as a requirement of my employment in the mines the day after I woke. I went in and xrays showed that I had a fractured eye socket as well as a skull fracture. I was too embarrassed to tell the truth so I said that I had been in a car accident whilst on holidays. I am sure that the doctor knew the truth but he did not say anything.
Then I got a phone call from a close friend that I answered only to find out that it was actually John using my friend's mobile. He told me that he was flying down to live with me and that I had better pick him up from the airport or else I was going to be in trouble. I was so terrified. I was so scared that I sat in the same spot for hours trying to figure out the best way to handle the situation that didn't include jumping off a bridge. So I went to the police station. I spoke to a female officer who seemed to be more interested in going for a jog rather than my situation. In the end all she did was take photos after I had INSISTED that she do it in case something happened to me.
Then the dreaded phone call came the next day from John telling me he was at the airport ready to be picked up. He knew my address and the back door could not be locked so I was scared that if I did not pick him up that something would happen. I wish I had done something else other than pick him up...........but I didn't.
That first night was horrid. As soon as we got back to my house (my boys were with my ex-husband) John refused to let me go to the toilet without him standing in the doorway. He said that because he were together I had nothing to hide. When I walked out of the toilet he covered my mouth and forced me to the floor in the hallway. He started kicking me and swearing at me. This lasted for half an hour before he let go and went to bed.
He lived with me for three months. Three months I lived in hell.
He even got a job at my mine site, where I was forced to spend every lunch with him and have my mobile phone turned on which I had to answer without delay. Something that not only was dangerous but could also have had me fired, as I worked around live explosives.
I remember during one of the early days, John just punching into me asking about 13seconds. What had happened was that John had written down my exact total call time on a notepad and then had checked it with the record after I had spent a day at work and there had been 13 seconds different. I had been on the phone checking my bank for 13 seconds.
I was not allowed to use my mobile for anything other than talking to him. So I kept a secret sim card that I had sticky taped to the bottom of a cupboard. He never found it. And if I finished work before him I would have to sit in the car park for hours waiting for him. (My car but he had the keys). I would also have to go to work hours early and just wait because he had started early. I was spending a total of 19 hours at work. 14 of these hours I was working.
For three months I was not allowed to go to the toilet without him or a got bashed. I was not allowed to shower without him and I was raped over and over. I would hold to do number 2's at work because I was too embarrassed to do them in front of him. And I would try to occupy myself with housework so that I had no time to be bored around him. At night time he would lay practically on top of me and I hated it. I spent all day feeling ill.
John was on night shift once when I had the night off. I went to bed early and was woken to being punched in the throat. It had been raining all night and apparently the car and driveway showed that I had been out. I tried telling John that the driveway was made out of stones that when driven on all the time changed colour to the rest and that they werent dry but that they were just a different colour. I got bashed again that night and he even grabbed a kitchen knife and sliced my upper leg three times. The next morning he noticed that the car hadnt moved and that in fact the stones were just a different colour. I got no apology.
The night that I cracked came after three months of extreme abuse and humiliation. I had just finished 15hours of work when I arrived home to John telling me we were going to the pub. We went to the pub and he asked me to go with him to pick a song on the juke box. He leaned over and bit my neck so hard blood started flowing down my neck. Apparently he had over heard someone ask me how my job was going and thought that I had been talking to people behind his back. Truth was that it was a small community of about 300 people and I had been working before John had even flown down. He spent the night grabbing my hand really tightly and pinching me. Eventually we started walking home were he started yelling at me because he wanted to go to a house party but I just wanted to sleep.
We made it to the house and he started hitting into me again. Before I knew it I had grabbed his steel capped work boot and was hitting into his head. That enraged him and I fled out of the front door and ran back to the pub where I told three of my male friends that John was the guy who had given me the black eyes and they drove me straight back to the house and confronted him. My neighbour was an ex-policeman and called the police. John spent the time before the police arrived trying to tell my neighbour that it was all me. My neighbour told him to *** off. I grabbed all of John's things and piled them into his suitcase. I then grabbed 12 cans of red Pulse (alcoholic drink) and I poured them all through his bag.
The police arrived and drove him into town. I made a statement a week later and a Western Australia warrant was put out on John (who flew back to NT). I was so scared to sleep that night because I couldn't lock the door and I had no idea that John was driven into town. I took a pillow and blanket and locked myself into my cupboard. The next day I got phone calls and text messages from john telling me that I had to give him all my money and then sit in the gutter across from his hotel until he forgave me. No way.
I was so scared that I left my house and stayed at my ex-husbands. I never went back to my house. My ex-husband moved all my belongings out and I lived with my ex-husband.
18 months later Karma caught up with John and he was killed in a car accident.
I hope that my story can help someone. I should have involved other people. I should have told someone. But I didnt. I was scared and ashamed. I was made to believe that it was my fault but it wasnt.
John gave me post traumatic stress syndrom and it destroyed my life for thee years before I was able to move on. Even now I get scared in certain situations and I am petrified when things are near my face. Even when my children show me a picture by putting it right in my face. I don't even put my face under the shower or water in the pool or beach.
There are many triggers in life that remind me of John. But it is about knowing that John was the one in the wrong and that I had done nothing to deserve what I got.
I wish that I had gotten justice but I guess in the end I did.
After I got divorced I dated a man that I had known for many years. He had been the best friend of my first boyfriend and had always been nice to me. He (I will call him John) was always there to protect me when my boyfriend abused me. I broke up with my boyfriend and John and I remained friends for years with regular contact on the phone and internet.
I was with him for three months. And this is the story:
I travelled to my home town for a weeks holiday with friends. John lived there and on the first night I went to the nightclub with him. I had paid for a hotel room for the week and had planned on staying there myself. However, John had other plans and that night he threatened to have me bashed by his female friends. He did not leave me alone from that moment on. When the week was up John insisted that I stay with him which meant that I was in his parents house as he still lived at home. It also meant that I missed out on christmas with my family.
Christmas day I got up from a chair outside (next to John) and walked to go to the toilet. Before I knew it John was standing in front of me where he punched me in my chest with both fists. I fell to the ground winded. Apparently I deserved this because I had "apparently' been trying to hit on his brother-in-law who happened to have walked into the house five minutes before me.
Many other disturbing behaviour happened during those two weeks that included him spitting in my face, throwing all of the contents of my suitcase over a vacant block and much more.
Eventually I somehow managed to catch a bus back to a town seven hours away which was where my best friend lived and where I had planned on flying back home. However, John showed up at the front of her house with his brother. He called me to the car where he wanted to talk. I was stupid enought to fall for it and that is when he snatched the necklace I had been wearing (it was given to me by a very close deceased friend) and then punched me in the face.
After this I checked myself into a hotel for the night where I told the owners not to under any circumstance let anyone know what room I was in. At about 5pm I got a knock on the door. It was John. My heart pounded and the room spun. For some reason I knew what was coming and in preperation I took of my rings and bracelet and placed them on the counter. I did not realise I had done this but I only assume I did it so that they did not get caught on anything. As soon as I did that John punched me in the face hard enough to send me to the floor. I got up and John punched me with both fists in the chest and again fell to the floor. I got up again and John punched me in the head about six times. I do not know if I had remained standing during this time, however, I was standing at the end of it. He then sat on the edge of the bed and told me to sit next to him, where he went through my mobile phone. He questioned me about some text messages and then swung around and wrapped his hands around my throat. He sat on top of me and strangled me. The room blurred and I tried to scream. "Shut up or I will kill you" John said. I choked out that I was going to vomit and he let me go. He stayed sitting on top of me and punched me another six time in the face.
I did not know what I looked like but I said to him and repeated it that I needed a doctor and somehow I managed to stop him hitting me. He said he was going to have a shower and he kept the door open so that I could not get out. Thinking now I should have just ran as he would have had to run out naked but then again I don't remember if he had locked the door and had the key.
While John was in the shower I hid my mobile phone in a secret compartment in my suitcase because I knew that if he destroyed it I would not be able to contact anyone. When he asked me about it I said to him that I must have dropped it outside. (During the beating I had been able to manage to get out of the room for a couple of minutes before he dragged me back inside).
He stayed the night and slept beside me. He made me touch him and cuddle him and I felt sick the whole time. The next morning by a miracle he allowed me to catch the shuttle bus to the airport. He took all of my atm cards and money but he let me go through that security gate and onto the plane. At the stop-off I went to the ladies toilets and saw my face for the first time.
I had been wearing sun glasses all day because it was the only way I could see as my forehead and eyes were so swollen they were forced shut and the sunglassed kept the skin high enough for me to see. My whole face was extremely swollen and black. My whole cheeks were black and my neck was also bruised. I got a lot of stares. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. I sat in that airport for seven hours with people staring and pointing before I caught the last plane home to safety .............. or so I thought.
I arrived at home, hugged my three boys, showered and fell asleep. Just over 48 hours later I was woken to approximately 300 missed phone calls and numerous text messages from John. But worse of all I had to explain to my children why my face was "sore". My eldest said that it looked like someone had "smashed mummies face with a rock". It broke my heart. I had only ever intended at spending one week with friends before returning home to spend christmas with my boys (and ex-husband) but instead I got something that would change my life forever.
I married my ex-husband at 20yrs old and had three sons with him. We seperated after four years married because we both agreed that our feelings had changed. That we had "grown up" and were better as friends. So we continued living in the same house for the sake of the kids and because of the convenience with work (we both worked in the mines) as someone was always home with the boys (aged 4yrs to 1yr). However, my ex-husband moved into town (I lived half an hour outside of town) to be closer to work and we shared custody of the boys.
I had a check-up at the doctors as a requirement of my employment in the mines the day after I woke. I went in and xrays showed that I had a fractured eye socket as well as a skull fracture. I was too embarrassed to tell the truth so I said that I had been in a car accident whilst on holidays. I am sure that the doctor knew the truth but he did not say anything.
Then I got a phone call from a close friend that I answered only to find out that it was actually John using my friend's mobile. He told me that he was flying down to live with me and that I had better pick him up from the airport or else I was going to be in trouble. I was so terrified. I was so scared that I sat in the same spot for hours trying to figure out the best way to handle the situation that didn't include jumping off a bridge. So I went to the police station. I spoke to a female officer who seemed to be more interested in going for a jog rather than my situation. In the end all she did was take photos after I had INSISTED that she do it in case something happened to me.
Then the dreaded phone call came the next day from John telling me he was at the airport ready to be picked up. He knew my address and the back door could not be locked so I was scared that if I did not pick him up that something would happen. I wish I had done something else other than pick him up...........but I didn't.
That first night was horrid. As soon as we got back to my house (my boys were with my ex-husband) John refused to let me go to the toilet without him standing in the doorway. He said that because he were together I had nothing to hide. When I walked out of the toilet he covered my mouth and forced me to the floor in the hallway. He started kicking me and swearing at me. This lasted for half an hour before he let go and went to bed.
He lived with me for three months. Three months I lived in hell.
He even got a job at my mine site, where I was forced to spend every lunch with him and have my mobile phone turned on which I had to answer without delay. Something that not only was dangerous but could also have had me fired, as I worked around live explosives.
I remember during one of the early days, John just punching into me asking about 13seconds. What had happened was that John had written down my exact total call time on a notepad and then had checked it with the record after I had spent a day at work and there had been 13 seconds different. I had been on the phone checking my bank for 13 seconds.
I was not allowed to use my mobile for anything other than talking to him. So I kept a secret sim card that I had sticky taped to the bottom of a cupboard. He never found it. And if I finished work before him I would have to sit in the car park for hours waiting for him. (My car but he had the keys). I would also have to go to work hours early and just wait because he had started early. I was spending a total of 19 hours at work. 14 of these hours I was working.
For three months I was not allowed to go to the toilet without him or a got bashed. I was not allowed to shower without him and I was raped over and over. I would hold to do number 2's at work because I was too embarrassed to do them in front of him. And I would try to occupy myself with housework so that I had no time to be bored around him. At night time he would lay practically on top of me and I hated it. I spent all day feeling ill.
John was on night shift once when I had the night off. I went to bed early and was woken to being punched in the throat. It had been raining all night and apparently the car and driveway showed that I had been out. I tried telling John that the driveway was made out of stones that when driven on all the time changed colour to the rest and that they werent dry but that they were just a different colour. I got bashed again that night and he even grabbed a kitchen knife and sliced my upper leg three times. The next morning he noticed that the car hadnt moved and that in fact the stones were just a different colour. I got no apology.
The night that I cracked came after three months of extreme abuse and humiliation. I had just finished 15hours of work when I arrived home to John telling me we were going to the pub. We went to the pub and he asked me to go with him to pick a song on the juke box. He leaned over and bit my neck so hard blood started flowing down my neck. Apparently he had over heard someone ask me how my job was going and thought that I had been talking to people behind his back. Truth was that it was a small community of about 300 people and I had been working before John had even flown down. He spent the night grabbing my hand really tightly and pinching me. Eventually we started walking home were he started yelling at me because he wanted to go to a house party but I just wanted to sleep.
We made it to the house and he started hitting into me again. Before I knew it I had grabbed his steel capped work boot and was hitting into his head. That enraged him and I fled out of the front door and ran back to the pub where I told three of my male friends that John was the guy who had given me the black eyes and they drove me straight back to the house and confronted him. My neighbour was an ex-policeman and called the police. John spent the time before the police arrived trying to tell my neighbour that it was all me. My neighbour told him to *** off. I grabbed all of John's things and piled them into his suitcase. I then grabbed 12 cans of red Pulse (alcoholic drink) and I poured them all through his bag.
The police arrived and drove him into town. I made a statement a week later and a Western Australia warrant was put out on John (who flew back to NT). I was so scared to sleep that night because I couldn't lock the door and I had no idea that John was driven into town. I took a pillow and blanket and locked myself into my cupboard. The next day I got phone calls and text messages from john telling me that I had to give him all my money and then sit in the gutter across from his hotel until he forgave me. No way.
I was so scared that I left my house and stayed at my ex-husbands. I never went back to my house. My ex-husband moved all my belongings out and I lived with my ex-husband.
18 months later Karma caught up with John and he was killed in a car accident.
I hope that my story can help someone. I should have involved other people. I should have told someone. But I didnt. I was scared and ashamed. I was made to believe that it was my fault but it wasnt.
John gave me post traumatic stress syndrom and it destroyed my life for thee years before I was able to move on. Even now I get scared in certain situations and I am petrified when things are near my face. Even when my children show me a picture by putting it right in my face. I don't even put my face under the shower or water in the pool or beach.
There are many triggers in life that remind me of John. But it is about knowing that John was the one in the wrong and that I had done nothing to deserve what I got.
I wish that I had gotten justice but I guess in the end I did.
Domestic Violence,
Post Traumatic Stress
Head Ache
I have to admit that today has been a very trying day. It feels like all I do ALL day is pick up the same things over and over and over again. I HATE my house and the fact that it has pure white tiles. Who on earth uses PURE WHITE tiles?? (NB: We are renters) I know that the kids are just being kids but sometimes I wish they would just sit on the couch all day and watch TV just so the house stays clean and I can have a break.
Mikaela has a new habit of wanting to walk around with her bottle which is driving me INSANE. She tips milk everywhere and then that dries with dirt on top and so my floor ends up with dirty spots everywhere. Of course these need to be mopped because if not the house looks like a dump. And in order to mop I have to vaccuum. So there is at least an hours worth of cleaning plus the time it will take to dry.
Then I let the boys play in the garage but I tell them "do not touch anything else but your bikes" and of course they touch EVERYTHING. So then I have to either yell at them to clean it or I clean it myself.
And the absolute worst thing is the boys using all the printing paper. DRIVES ME NUTS. They make planes which may I add I still have a paper plane stuck in my floor to ceiling lamp!! They do drawings and they scrunch it up and throw it everywhere.
To top off the day I walked into my room to find Mikaela sitting on the floor with a tampon hanging out of her mouth. She smile and laughed as soon as she saw me. What a sight that was.
Every sunday I make them all have a sleep or quiet time watching a movie. I really needed it today because I was not feeling well and had a head ache but they screamed and yelled and misbehaved. I ended up making them watch a movie in the lounge room and I slept on the couch to watch them. I woke to find that they had gotten into the juice poppers and the lounge room was filled with toys. ARGH!!
So sunday night and I am stuffed!! I had a break down on the phone to the hubby and then we talked it out and I was ok. I am now on the couch with my pillows, doona and laptop and I am about to jump up and make a hot chocolate before settling back down to watch Downton Abbey. Here are the things that I learnt today:
Mikaela has a new habit of wanting to walk around with her bottle which is driving me INSANE. She tips milk everywhere and then that dries with dirt on top and so my floor ends up with dirty spots everywhere. Of course these need to be mopped because if not the house looks like a dump. And in order to mop I have to vaccuum. So there is at least an hours worth of cleaning plus the time it will take to dry.
Then I let the boys play in the garage but I tell them "do not touch anything else but your bikes" and of course they touch EVERYTHING. So then I have to either yell at them to clean it or I clean it myself.
And the absolute worst thing is the boys using all the printing paper. DRIVES ME NUTS. They make planes which may I add I still have a paper plane stuck in my floor to ceiling lamp!! They do drawings and they scrunch it up and throw it everywhere.
To top off the day I walked into my room to find Mikaela sitting on the floor with a tampon hanging out of her mouth. She smile and laughed as soon as she saw me. What a sight that was.
Every sunday I make them all have a sleep or quiet time watching a movie. I really needed it today because I was not feeling well and had a head ache but they screamed and yelled and misbehaved. I ended up making them watch a movie in the lounge room and I slept on the couch to watch them. I woke to find that they had gotten into the juice poppers and the lounge room was filled with toys. ARGH!!
So sunday night and I am stuffed!! I had a break down on the phone to the hubby and then we talked it out and I was ok. I am now on the couch with my pillows, doona and laptop and I am about to jump up and make a hot chocolate before settling back down to watch Downton Abbey. Here are the things that I learnt today:
- I really hate the hubby being away
- I need to be stricter with Mikaela and her bottle
- I should not get sick during a weekend and when hubby is away
- Do not leave my tampons where Mikaela can get them
- Rent a house that does not have white tiles
Lounge Room Picnic
Today I woke with a head ache and feeling feverish. So I decided to get fish-n-chips for lunch, instead of making lunch that I would then have to clean up. I put a table cloth on the lounge room floor and the kids enjoyed a picnic in the lounge room.
On the menu:
On the menu:
- Chips
- Fish Burger
- Pluto Pups
Saturday, June 4
A Hidden Treasure
Every now and then when I get bored I go through photos on my mobile phone and photos on my computer that have been taken with the web cam. Tonight while I was sifting through my computer I came across a photo of my daughter and I. This photo made me smile because from the time Mikaela was born to about six months old (when she became a Daddy's girl) she used to always sleep on my chest. It was only when I had jobs to do that she slept in her cot or pram. So this photo sums up my favourite and most common time with Mikaela.
I miss these times with Mikaela. But I do enjoy watching her grow each day.
I miss these times with Mikaela. But I do enjoy watching her grow each day.
Places I Have Lived
I meet so many people who have only ever lived in the one town and I wonder how they can do it. I am not saying that it is a bad thing nor am I saying it is a good thing. I just wonder what it would be like to live in the one place for your whole life. I am sure that there are a lot of benefits but with my upbringing I find that I can not be anywhere for more than 18 months before I want to pack up and move on. I love a change and I love being able to do a massive clean out of everything in the house. I get such itchy feet that I re-arrange our house every three months.
Here are the places I have lived throughout my life so far:
- Mt. Isa, Qld (I was born here)
- Derby, WA
- Katherine, NT
- Brisbane, Qld
- Pittsworth, Qld
- Broome, WA
- Oodnadatta, SA
- Rockhampton, Qld
- Bouldercombe, Qld
- Perth, WA
- Kambalda, WA
- Kalgoorlie, WA
- Sunshine Coast, Qld
In 1991 my family also travelled around the world with our main stays in America, Canada and Argentina.
Are you a stayer or a mover?
Sunshine Coast
Cameron is the youngest of my sons and an absolute charmer. He is very friendly with everyone and has a sweet soul. He is always picking flowers for strangers and giving away his art works.
My pregnancy with Cameron was normal and so was the delivery. He had jaundice and was kept in Hospital for three days but otherwise was perfect.
Cameron starts prep next year and I think he will thoroughly enjoy it. At the moment he still takes on a baby role in the family and I am sure that once he goes to school he will become one of the boys.
Cameron's favourite thing in the whole world is dogs. I asked him once what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said "a dog".
My pregnancy with Cameron was normal and so was the delivery. He had jaundice and was kept in Hospital for three days but otherwise was perfect.
Cameron starts prep next year and I think he will thoroughly enjoy it. At the moment he still takes on a baby role in the family and I am sure that once he goes to school he will become one of the boys.
Cameron's favourite thing in the whole world is dogs. I asked him once what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said "a dog".
Our Camping Trip In Twenty Words
Friday, June 3
My Day
My day started off with me waking to find that my three boys had woken, had breakfast, had a shower and gotten dressed. Quinton had also taken Mikaela out of her cot and they were in the loungeroom playing with her. I was so happy having been able to sleep in for that extra half an hour. And even happier that I woke to happy children.
Ishmael and Quinton rode to school at 8am and I got Mikaela her breakfast and then we both jumped in for a shower. I then did some laundry, washed the dishes, vaccuumed the floor and then mopped the floor. Cameron is pretty easy to entertain and so he played the DSi on the mat while I mopped. And Mikaela was finding it funny to run and slide all over the clean floor. Not so funny for me though as I had to keep mopping over her marks.
Cameron, Mikaela and I then decided to go for a drive and ended up going through Red Rooster for some lunch. And I was very disappointed. The chips were cold and scrawny. They had also given me a small coke instead of the large that I ordered and paid for. So I gave them a quick call and was offered a free replacement meal. Usually I just shrug it off and not worry about it but today the chips were so bad that the ones in Cameron's kids meal were black. Ewwww.
We picked up a few packing boxes from a lovely old man who opened the office even though it was meant to be closed. And I started packing. (Can see previous blog for more information)
The boys came home from school and we were immediately in the car and headed off to footy training for Ishmael. I love going to training because I have two amazing friends that I met through the kids football club and we always have such a great time.
Ishmael and Quinton rode to school at 8am and I got Mikaela her breakfast and then we both jumped in for a shower. I then did some laundry, washed the dishes, vaccuumed the floor and then mopped the floor. Cameron is pretty easy to entertain and so he played the DSi on the mat while I mopped. And Mikaela was finding it funny to run and slide all over the clean floor. Not so funny for me though as I had to keep mopping over her marks.
Cameron, Mikaela and I then decided to go for a drive and ended up going through Red Rooster for some lunch. And I was very disappointed. The chips were cold and scrawny. They had also given me a small coke instead of the large that I ordered and paid for. So I gave them a quick call and was offered a free replacement meal. Usually I just shrug it off and not worry about it but today the chips were so bad that the ones in Cameron's kids meal were black. Ewwww.
We picked up a few packing boxes from a lovely old man who opened the office even though it was meant to be closed. And I started packing. (Can see previous blog for more information)
The boys came home from school and we were immediately in the car and headed off to footy training for Ishmael. I love going to training because I have two amazing friends that I met through the kids football club and we always have such a great time.
After football training we dropped past the local IGA and bought a couple of lollies each with the last bit of money in my wallet and then went home and had nachos.
So now I am probably sounding like I am very unhealthy but I must defend myself by saying that we are in fact a very healthy family. lol.
The kids are finally in bed and the house is quiet. Time to get the rest of the cheese cake out and get comfortable on the couch.
Cheese Cake,
My Day,
The Packing Process
Today I decided to start the packing process for the big move in September. I did some research online and found a storage facility that sold really cheap packing boxes. So Cameron, Mikaela and I drove down to pick some up. I got five tea chest boxes and five book boxes.
I have so far half pack one book box and already I am feeling overwhelmed, which is unusal as normally I am all for moving and happy to pack in a day. So I have set a goal today of completing at least one tea chest box and two book boxes.
I am starting with the ornaments that are around the house and not needed between now and the move. I am also plan on starting to pack up the main bedroom with the items/clothes/bags/etc that we will not be needing.
We may be moving in exactly three months but I am starting to feel as though I will not have enough time to get everything packed.
I have so far half pack one book box and already I am feeling overwhelmed, which is unusal as normally I am all for moving and happy to pack in a day. So I have set a goal today of completing at least one tea chest box and two book boxes.
I am starting with the ornaments that are around the house and not needed between now and the move. I am also plan on starting to pack up the main bedroom with the items/clothes/bags/etc that we will not be needing.
We may be moving in exactly three months but I am starting to feel as though I will not have enough time to get everything packed.
Ishmael is my sweetheart and my second eldest. I married a son of a family friend when Quinton was about eight months old and shortly after became pregnant with Ishmael. My husband worked out of town and so I spent most of my pregnancy on my own. When I was 14 weeks pregnant I got a UTI and was ill for a few days but fought it off so I could look after Quinton. When my husband did come home for the weekend I crashed onto the couch and suddenly got worse. I was admitted to Hospital for two nights to be treated.
Two weeks before I gave birth to Ishmael I had a bleed and went to the Hospital. I was sent home but two weeks later I had another bleed and went straight back to the Hospital. I was lucky enough to have seen a young female Doctor who did not want to take any chances so she decided that I was to be flown to Darwin to give birth. I was flown up to Darwin an hour later. When we arrived the bleeding had stopped was when they did an ultra-sound they discovered that there was not enough amniotic fluid and I was induced the following morning. My labour progressed well, however, when I was pushing the cord was compressing his chest and stopping his heart. Sirens went off everywhere and people came rushing into the labour room. Ishmael was vacuumed and had no heart beat. He quickly came to and was placed on my chest.
Because of severe blood loss they started massaging my stomach to help the uterus contract and stop the bleeding. It hurt so much that I was screaming and I remember the Doctor say "get that baby off her chest!!!". The two nurses that were doing it were crying and saying sorry over and over. I had bruises all over my stomach for two weeks.
Ishmael was only 2.8kgs (and at full term) and I was told that he would be severely mentally and physically disabled. Today he is in grade one and flourishing. He is popular and loves school. He has aspergers so he has a few issues with social interaction but at the same time he can confidently meet new people and play well with others. It is hard to fully describe what he is like but he does have noticeable difficulties associated with the aspergers.
Ishmael is a charmer. He is happy to have a chat for hours and loves to make things. He is forever bringing home robots and space ships that he made out of cereal cartons. His teacher thinks that he is amazing and modestly I agree. He is hard to reason. He is very intelligent and although it is hard to get him to concentrate and want to learn something, once we get his attention he learns quickly. My nan always says that Ishmael was the most beautiful baby she has ever seen and I would agree. He is a beautiful boy with an amazing smile. Drives me up the walls some times but would not change him. He truly is a unique individual.
Two weeks before I gave birth to Ishmael I had a bleed and went to the Hospital. I was sent home but two weeks later I had another bleed and went straight back to the Hospital. I was lucky enough to have seen a young female Doctor who did not want to take any chances so she decided that I was to be flown to Darwin to give birth. I was flown up to Darwin an hour later. When we arrived the bleeding had stopped was when they did an ultra-sound they discovered that there was not enough amniotic fluid and I was induced the following morning. My labour progressed well, however, when I was pushing the cord was compressing his chest and stopping his heart. Sirens went off everywhere and people came rushing into the labour room. Ishmael was vacuumed and had no heart beat. He quickly came to and was placed on my chest.
Because of severe blood loss they started massaging my stomach to help the uterus contract and stop the bleeding. It hurt so much that I was screaming and I remember the Doctor say "get that baby off her chest!!!". The two nurses that were doing it were crying and saying sorry over and over. I had bruises all over my stomach for two weeks.
Ishmael was only 2.8kgs (and at full term) and I was told that he would be severely mentally and physically disabled. Today he is in grade one and flourishing. He is popular and loves school. He has aspergers so he has a few issues with social interaction but at the same time he can confidently meet new people and play well with others. It is hard to fully describe what he is like but he does have noticeable difficulties associated with the aspergers.
Ishmael is a charmer. He is happy to have a chat for hours and loves to make things. He is forever bringing home robots and space ships that he made out of cereal cartons. His teacher thinks that he is amazing and modestly I agree. He is hard to reason. He is very intelligent and although it is hard to get him to concentrate and want to learn something, once we get his attention he learns quickly. My nan always says that Ishmael was the most beautiful baby she has ever seen and I would agree. He is a beautiful boy with an amazing smile. Drives me up the walls some times but would not change him. He truly is a unique individual.
Quinton is my eldest and an absolute gentleman. He does at times have what I call "the only child syndrome" but he is a very smart boy. He loves his siblings and he is very protective. He is shy but loves to be the class clown. He really enjoys music and loves opera and musicals.
Quinton is my first born. Quinton is the first grandchild on both sides. Quinton is the first great-grandchild on both sides.
I found out that I was pregnant with Quinton when I was about 5 months pregnant and I was 18 years old. The first time I got an ultra-sound to see how far along I was in the pregnancy I was told the sex. It was very surreal not only being told that I was pregnant but that I was having a boy. I was not working at the time and had left home to live with my boyfriend so I started buying things each week. I used what ever money I could sneak from my partner, as he liked to spend all of our money on drugs and alcohol.
NB: I was not drinking or doing drugs.
I put a pram and porta-cot on layby and paid them off week by week. I also bought items such as singlets and nappies. By the time Quinton was born I had been able to buy the porta-cot, pram, a cot sheet set, quilt, and a couple of clothes.
My labour came on pretty quickly once my water broke spontaneously. Prior to my water breaking I had no pain. Ten hours later my son was on my chest and he was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I was immediately flooded with a love that was so great it was hard to contain it. Along with the absolute unconditional love that I had for my son I felt fear. Fear that anything bad would ever happen to him.
Two weeks before I gave birth to Quinton my partner did a hit-and-run and was then sentenced to two years jail when Quinton was exactly 8 weeks old. However, I had left him when Quinton was one week old and moved into my own two bedroom unit. My partner had been physically abusive with me during our relationship and one night he threatened me with a machete that he was waving too close to my then one week old son. I knew then and there that I had to leave and protect my son. There was no way I would let him hurt my son or even be in the position to be able to. Quinton's father has not been in the picture since this day. For many reasons but the main one being that his attitude has not changed and continues to think that he deserves to have contact and believes that he has every right to abuse, harrass and threaten me in order to get it.
Quinton is my first born. Quinton is the first grandchild on both sides. Quinton is the first great-grandchild on both sides.
I found out that I was pregnant with Quinton when I was about 5 months pregnant and I was 18 years old. The first time I got an ultra-sound to see how far along I was in the pregnancy I was told the sex. It was very surreal not only being told that I was pregnant but that I was having a boy. I was not working at the time and had left home to live with my boyfriend so I started buying things each week. I used what ever money I could sneak from my partner, as he liked to spend all of our money on drugs and alcohol.
NB: I was not drinking or doing drugs.
I put a pram and porta-cot on layby and paid them off week by week. I also bought items such as singlets and nappies. By the time Quinton was born I had been able to buy the porta-cot, pram, a cot sheet set, quilt, and a couple of clothes.
My labour came on pretty quickly once my water broke spontaneously. Prior to my water breaking I had no pain. Ten hours later my son was on my chest and he was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. I was immediately flooded with a love that was so great it was hard to contain it. Along with the absolute unconditional love that I had for my son I felt fear. Fear that anything bad would ever happen to him.
Two weeks before I gave birth to Quinton my partner did a hit-and-run and was then sentenced to two years jail when Quinton was exactly 8 weeks old. However, I had left him when Quinton was one week old and moved into my own two bedroom unit. My partner had been physically abusive with me during our relationship and one night he threatened me with a machete that he was waving too close to my then one week old son. I knew then and there that I had to leave and protect my son. There was no way I would let him hurt my son or even be in the position to be able to. Quinton's father has not been in the picture since this day. For many reasons but the main one being that his attitude has not changed and continues to think that he deserves to have contact and believes that he has every right to abuse, harrass and threaten me in order to get it.
Thursday, June 2
A Midnight Cheese Cake
With hubby being away with the Army Reserve for a month I have been finding that I have trouble sleeping. I tend to have the kids bathed, fed and in bed by 6pm but am struggling to get to sleep before midnight. Most nights i do paper work or browse the internet. But tonight I have a serious craving for anything unhealthy. So tonight I am going to make a cheese cake. I have eaten all the chocolate and drunk all the softdrink and I have no icecream. So even though I do not want to be pottering away in the kitchen in the dark while the kids sleep, I really need some junk food.
What is your favourite craving?
What is your favourite craving?
A Boy and His Dog
Since becoming a mum I have come to the conclusion that although pets can be fun and can teach the kids about responsibility, they are also an extra burden that I personally could do without. But while going through my photos I came across a photo of my oldest son with his dog.
When my son was about two months old I came across this gorgeous Staffy X pup in a pet shop and could not leave without him. So we bought him and named him Buddy. He had a gorgeous personality and right from the start he took to my son. He would constantly be close by my son and would not let him out of his sight. Unfortunately he was hit and killed by a car when my son was about two years old and we have not had another pet since.
When my son was about two months old I came across this gorgeous Staffy X pup in a pet shop and could not leave without him. So we bought him and named him Buddy. He had a gorgeous personality and right from the start he took to my son. He would constantly be close by my son and would not let him out of his sight. Unfortunately he was hit and killed by a car when my son was about two years old and we have not had another pet since.
Well today I decided to start my own blog. I can honestly say that it seems a little daunting and I am eager to learn how to run a blog site.
I am a young mother of four young kids. I have three sons aged 8yrs, 6yrs and 4yrs. I also have an 11 month old daughter. They are my pride and joy and although it is very stressful at times, I do love all the quirks that come with being a mother. Each one of my children have their own special little quirks.
I am also a wife to the most amazing man I have ever met. He is loving, loyal and a great dad.
I am also a full-time external University student.
There is always something happening in my life, whether it be good or bad, and look forward to sharing it with you. I hope you find it interesting, useful, and at times humerous.
I also look forward to meeting others.
I am a young mother of four young kids. I have three sons aged 8yrs, 6yrs and 4yrs. I also have an 11 month old daughter. They are my pride and joy and although it is very stressful at times, I do love all the quirks that come with being a mother. Each one of my children have their own special little quirks.
I am also a wife to the most amazing man I have ever met. He is loving, loyal and a great dad.
I am also a full-time external University student.
There is always something happening in my life, whether it be good or bad, and look forward to sharing it with you. I hope you find it interesting, useful, and at times humerous.
I also look forward to meeting others.
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